In the first year after birth, baby is mostly fed by breast milk or formula and food will be gradually added to their diet from 6th month. But from the second year on, milk is replaced with food and the latter will be play the main role in baby’s nutrition. At this age, in addition to milk, a baby should be fed 5 to 6 times a day to supply their nutritional needs.
At this age, a baby needs 13 g protein per day that has to be provided from breast milk, formula, protein-rich foodstuffs like meat and legumes. Also, at this age, a child needs more essential fatty acids (omega 3 and omega 6), part of which is supplied from milk and the rest from foods rich in these two fatty acids, like fish and nuts.
Additionally, baby needs more vitamins and minerals as they grow and especially their need for vitamins D and K increased considerably. Consumption of vitamin D-fortified milks may be helpful in meeting baby needs. Also, dark-leaf vegetables, like broccoli, are rich in vitamin K. Amongst minerals, considering skeletal growth of baby’s body, they need calcium and phosphor more than other minerals and these minerals can be supplied by consuming dairy products along breast milk or formula.
It is noteworthy that, at this age, consumption of multivitamin drop is essential and such a necessity is more considerable in babies whose breastfeeding is stopped earlier, babies who are not sufficiently exposed to sunlight or those babies whose families’ diet has less meat and protein or dairy products.