Special Formula for feeding in case of diarrhea
GASTRO – FIX is a food to meet the nutritional needs of infants in the recovery phase of diarrhea. It can be prescribed for the infants who are breastfed together with breast milk in the recovery phase of diarrhea after ORS therapy, and for infants who are not breastfed, it replaces baby formula in the recovery phase after diarrhea.
- Energy: to produce energy, easy-to-digest carbohydrates are used. These carbohydrates are easily used in the digestive system and it improves the absorption of electrolytes. In the composition of GASTRO – FIX, there are a lot of high quality proteins against indigestion. These proteins are in natural form and help reduce osmolarity. In GASTRO – FIX the ratio of casein to whey is 82 to 18. Casein is less soluble in acidity 4.6. It is formed in the stomach in its insoluble form. It is tolerable for infants and also reduces vomiting.
- Fat: in chronic diarrhea, fats are not digested or absorbed and a lot of fat can increase the probability of food intolerance (diarrhea, vomiting) so the fat level of GASTRO – FIX is reduced.
- Due to the prevalence of lactose intolerance, in the chronic diarrhea process, GASTRO – FIX is free of lactose.
- About 67% of GASTRO – FIX energy is produced with carbohydrates such as glucose, fructose, maltodextrin, which are easy to digest and immediately provide the baby with the energy, Glucose and fructose are completely natural monosaccharides and do not need enzymes to be absorbed.
- Electrolytes: to compensate the amount of electrolytes lost via feces, sodium, potassium, and chlorine are adequately added.
- GASTRO – FIX is enriched with vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, B12, C, D3, K1, E, niacin, biotin, folic acid and pantothenic acid which meet all the needs of infants while taking them based on CODEX ALIMENTARIUS standards and WHO and FAO recommendations and infants have no need for any other food supplements.
- Iron is not used in GASTRO – FIX because in the case of inflammation, Iron is used by pathogens and it causes batteries growth more than ever. Due to the short term use of GASTRO – FIX (usually about 1 week) and breastfeeding at the same time, iron deficiency does not occur. All the essential items are used in this product based of EU EXPERTS and CODEX ALIMENTARIUS. Infant’s digestive system in recovery phase cannot tolerate the food with high osmolarity. Osmolarity of GASTRO – FIX is about 304 mosm/L Which is easily tolerated by infant’s digestive system in recovery phase of diarrhea. The renal load of this product is 32 ml per 100 kcal.
- The rice and banana powder used in this product are made of special grade and prepared as non-enzymatic hydrolysis, which can be prescribed from the time of birth without any problem. These substances increase the consistency of feces and help to function better of GASTRO – FIX in the recovery phase of diarrhea.
- Gluten free and suitable for celiac patients
- Holder of Halal certificate